Directed, co-written, and co-produced by Randeep Hooda, Swatantrya Veer Savarkar is a film that delves into the life of Vinayak Damodar Savarkar. The film also stars Hooda in the titular role and...
TV shows have always included entertainment news to give viewers the most recent information on movie and music releases, celebrity rumours, and other topics. The manner in which TV entertainment...
ChatGPT by OpenAI, launched on November 30, 2022, made a splash in the IT community, impressing many with the accuracy of answers to specific questions. Let's see how this chatbot can be used,...
Film festivals play a crucial role in promoting Australian films both domestically and internationally, and for actors like Steven Spilly, it provides an opportunity to showcase their talents and...
The Pokemon TCG is one game that includes two players who battle it out with their own deck of sixty cards. The mentioned cards can be of various types that are discussed in the latter portion...
There are many secrets behind magic and if you really want to unearth them, you've got to keep your eyes open! This blog article discusses some of the facts about magic that have gone unnoticed in a...