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Life Insurance After Heart Attack – All You Need to Know

Life Insurance After Heart Attack


It is an innate human nature that we learn from our past mistakes and experiences. In your daily life, you may come across several diseases but do not realise the impact they may have until your loved ones get affected by them. You may start valuing your life more after having experienced the threat it poses to you and your family.

Many people who suffer from a heart attack or similar other critical illness, the experience comes as an eye-opener, and they frantically start looking for a life insurance policy. So, the pertinent question is – Can you purchase a life insurance plan after a heart attack? The simple answer is YES. Although it may be challenging to get a policy, it is not impossible.

Important things to know about buying life insurance after a heart attack

If you have suffered a heart attack, the insurance company may ask you a few questions relating to your health condition, age, etc. And you must provide accurate information. This is vital because if you try to withhold or hide any information, the insurer may reject your family member’s claim request in the future if they trace the cause of death to the undeclared health condition.

One of the most important questions that the insurer will ask you is the age at which you suffered a heart attack. This will help the insurer determine the risk of providing you with the life cover. Also, it would give them a fair idea about your current health condition, and they can determine the right coverage.

If you got a heart attack in your 40s, 50s, or 60s, you might have a better chance of getting life insurance cover. But, if you got a heart attack in your 30s, the chances are low that the insurer will approve your insurance request.

The insurer may also ask you about the severity of the heart attack and its impact on your overall health. If the heart attack has had a lasting effect or severe repercussions on your health, you may find it challenging to get life insurance cover.

If you have suffered a heart attack and have other health issues like diabetes or high blood pressure, the chances are high that the insurer will reject your insurance application. And, if the insurer agrees to provide the cover, they may charge a higher premium.

If your condition requires you to take medicines for the rest of your life, you may be able to get life cover, but the premium would be high. Also, the insurer may check your medical records and doctor’s instructions for follow-up treatment. If you don’t need any rigorous post-hospitalisation treatment, the chances are high that you would get insurance cover.

Tips to get life insurance at an affordable rate after a heart attack

Make sure that you diligently follow your doctor’s instructions post-recovery. This will help improve overall health, and the insurer may provide you with life cover at an affordable rate.

If you are overweight or have any obesity-related health issues, you may be more vulnerable to falling sick, especially since you have already had a heart attack. So, managing your weight can improve your chances of getting life insurance and a discount on the premium.

Lifestyle habits like smoking or drinking alcohol can strain your cardiac health and reduce the chances of getting life insurance coverage. Hence, it is advisable to refrain from such habits. If you can convince the insurer that you are off smoking for a considerable period, the insurer may offer life cover at a lower rate as compared to those who smoke.

Final Word

Heart attack is a critical health issue, which may have fatal consequences. If you are at any risk of genetic disorder or heart attack, make sure that you have a robust life insurance cover in place for your family. It will help them live peacefully and be financially-independent after you are gone.

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