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How To Plan a Better Learning Plan UK?

Learning Plan UK


Each of us has a unique learning style that is better suited to a particular type of assessment. For example, you might be an excellent visual learner but struggle to retain knowledge from books, or the opposite may be true.

The amount of time you can focus on learning also varies from person to person, but with practise you can steadily increase your learning time.

Regardless of your preferred method of learning, it’s important that you develop effective study habits if you’re to excel in essays, exams and at work. Building a productive study routine is an important step in this process.

So we can help you if you want to create a study programme or improve your current schedule.

How to plan your study time

It would be helpful if you were clear about your study goals and the time frame in which you want to achieve them in order to create a timetable. A good place to start is to make a list of goals and break them down into manageable weekly chunks.

To make sure you achieve your goals, use your study plan as a checklist. A good study plan can help you develop discipline and routine in both your school and non-school life.

  • Advice on planning your studies

To help you get the most out of your study plan, let’s give you some advice on how to make one.

  • Make a list of goals.

Take the time to set your goals for each subject or subject area before you start to allocate your time and develop a thorough strategy. Write down your learning goals for the next month, three months, six months and a year. If you’ve little time to study, you should divide your time frame into weeks. You don’t have to outline your entire study plan for the coming year, but you do need to be clear about your goals and achievements.

  • Allow enough time

Be sure to allow some flexibility when planning your study time when creating your schedule. Your work will suffer if, for example, you’re close to a deadline and need more time to prepare effectively. To complete your revision or writing before strict deadlines or exams, try to plan your schedule so that you’re on track to do so.

  • Write down your schedule in text form.

Type up your schedule and keep it handy on your desk, or print it out and hang it on the wall instead of just keeping it in your head. Use one of the many free templates available on the internet or create your planner on your computer. Google Calendar is a nice, easy-to-use tool that lets you divide your learning into colour-coded blocks of time.

  • Block out the days of the week.

Even the most diligent students cannot sit still and study for 12 hours. Therefore, it’s important that you divide your days into separate learning units. Consider studying in two-hour increments if you want to spend the whole day in the library. After two hours, you’re free to change subjects, take a break, change locations, switch from book learning to computer research or vice versa.

  • Plan for a maximum of six weeks.

As we’ve already seen, it’s important to set long-term learning goals, but your programme should be six weeks or less. Rather than trying to forecast everything at once, this allows you to be flexible over a longer period of time and determine which aspects of your studies you need to focus on as you progress.

  • Never cram.

When planning your calendar, you can expect to spend more time studying as the busy period of exams and deadlines approaches. Therefore, it makes sense to schedule more time in the final weeks and months: OK. However, avoid procrastinating and forcing yourself to cram, as most people rarely succeed.

  • Use your free time

Consider if you’ve time once a week, once a fortnight or even more often to do some of your less complex tasks. While it’s important to schedule time for your social life, exercise and meal preparation while you study, you can also use any downtime to read or review notes.

  • Change the environment in which you study.

Think about where you want to study and plan when and what you’ll study there. Avoid studying in your bedroom, as this could disturb your sleep and make it difficult to relax at night. Although working in your neighbourhood or in the university library may be fantastic, it’s beneficial to have other places that offer a special atmosphere.

  • Plan to maintain your health.

When planning your study schedule, make sure you’ve enough time for a healthy lifestyle. Make sure you include time for exercise, enough sleep and time to relax, as well as time to prepare healthy meals.

Get at least 30 minutes of exercise a day and aim for 7-9 hours of sleep a night. You should also make an effort to eat a nutritious diet, even during the hectic time of studying. It’s important that you take enough time for your health, as developing healthier habits will help you with your schoolwork.

  • Pay attention to your timetable

Once you’ve made your timetable, make sure you stick to it! Although you may occasionally deviate from it OK, your timetable is there to organise you and keep you disciplined. Therefore, you should try to deviate from your timetable as little as possible.

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