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An Overview of the Nervous System

Nervous System



The nervous system is an intricate part of the human body. It allows us to feel sensations like pain, cold, and pleasure throughout the body. It also helps control things like hunger, thirst and it even regulates our heart rate. The human nervous system consists of the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) and peripheral nervous system.

Each part of the nervous system is important for life. It can be used to understand how our body works, what is happening in our brain, or how pain is regulated. Every day new research findings push us further into understanding what happens in our brain on a molecular level.

How Does the Nervous System Connect the Mind and Body?

The human body is a complex system. It is composed of many different parts that work together to keep us alive and healthy. The nervous system is the one that controls our thoughts, behaviours, and actions. As stated above, the three main parts of the nervous system are the brain, spinal cord, and nerves – which radiate from the spinal cord to the body’s extremities.

The brain controls all of our higher functions such as decision-making, problem-solving, and organising memories. It communicates with other parts of the body through special cells called neurons that send messages through neural pathways. Moreover, the human brain is divided into two halves called hemispheres. They are connected by a large bundle of nerve fibres called the corpus callosum. The left hemisphere controls the right side of the body and vice versa.

The spinal cord is a flexible, segmented structure of the nervous system. It is located in the vertebrae of the spine and has nerve pathways that go from the brain down to the body’s peripheral nerves. It is responsible for many functions such as sending sensory information back to the brain, reflexes and coordinating movement. Nerves/neurons are the fundamental units of the nervous system. The neuron function involves transmitting information back and forth between different parts of the body. Nerves also serve as a physical pathway for sensations such as pain, pleasure, temperature, and touch.

How a Healthy Brain Stimulates a Happy Life?

The brain has been viewed as a complex organ that influences the body and the person’s overall well-being. It is a key component of mental health as well as physiological health. Interestingly, studies have also found that people who have a higher level of intelligence tend to lead happier lives than people with lower levels of intelligence.

Researchers believe that it is because intelligent people are able to make better decisions in their lives, which helps them live longer and be happier with less stress. Additionally, activities like meditation or exercise stimulate blood flow in the brain, thereby increasing oxygen levels. This ensures that the brain functions at optimal levels.Explore other fascinating topics from circulatory system function, human heart and lungs to evolution, mass extinctions and speciation only on BYJU’S Biology. Alternatively, subscribe to BYJU’S YouTube channel to discover interesting videos on science and maths.

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